I have been in district 67 since kindergarten. It has been my family. I've made so many friends in my years at Golf and Hynes . I remember my first day of kindergarten. My family and I had just moved into the neighborhood that summer. I thought I would be the only new student, but when I got to school I realized that everyone was new, and I found that all the kids were nice. I also really liked my teachers and it was a very successful first day of school. I remember in 2nd grade we went on a field trip to a pond and caught tadpoles. People were allowed to take them home. I already had two from when my older sister was in second grade two years before and they lived until I was in sixth grade.In fourth grade I remember graduating the teachers gave speeches about each student and then the auidence would be guessing who they are taking about. I remember in fifth grade we dropped from the oldest to the youngest and it was scary. I was the shortest girl in my grade and when I saw the eighth graders walking to science and tech I was scared. The fear soon wore off I came to enjoy Golf and felt like a part of it . In sixth grade we got used to having multiple teachers. In seventh grade we moved up to the commons and I felt like I did not belong there but I got used to it and adapted quickly. Then eighth grade we became once again the oldest in the school. I definitely learned the most in my eighth grade year, maybe it's because our teachers realized we were not prepared for high school because we are so immature or we wised up and focused on our future ,but something made us learn and mature for our future years at Niles north. So now it's the end our eighth grade year it definitely flew, so future high school get ready for us because we might just be ready for you.
artemis's blog
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Test blog

One of my favorite things to do is to bake. I love baking all sorts of sweets, today I am going to test my readers on their baking skills . Take the test below to see if you can pass baking cupcakes!
The possible answers will be highlighted as if it is a link , its not if you press it the link will say correct or wrong
1. When mixing your batter you put the entire bottle of vanilla extract True False
2. If a egg shell falls on your batter when cracking the egg do you:
a) take it out with you fingers
b) leave it in for texture
c) take it out with a spoon
d) leave it in and hope no one will notic
4. To know when your cupcakes are done do you:
a) poke them with a forkb) hope for the best
c) ask your mom
d) leave them in for an extra hour
Thanks for taking the test :)
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Endings and beginnigs
In may I will be graduating from Golf Middle School and going to Niles North high school, but before I can graduate I must finish the last quarter my goal for last quarter is to get all A's . I came very close to all A's 3rd quarter but I got one 78 in math. Since the first quarter my friend and I have made an agreement on whomever gets all A's the other must buy her ice cream. My second goal for the end of the school year is to raise $500 for the Avon walk because I am on the youth crew for the the Avon walk this summer. The end of my golf career is the beginning of my high school career I don't think I am ready yet but I have all summer to prepare.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Holocuast Trip
This week my class and I went to the Holocaust museum. When we got off the buses they split us in to two groups, I was part of the green group. When we first got into the the exhibit we saw some common items found in a Jewish home during 1930's, We saw a picture of a Menorah that is in the Holocaust museum Israel it was from a family who survived the Holocaust, they donated it and every year the take it back from the Exhibit to use for Hanuka. A main topic we learned about was Resistance. There are big and small ways to show resistance, we saw a picture that somebody took during that time period there was a menorah on a window sill and through the window you can see Nazi flags raised. In my opinion that picture is a big sign of resistance. At the beginning of the trip we saw the Nazi armbands in display cases all nicely preserved and I was think that they should be burned and buried not in nice display cases but then a little bit later in the exhibit they had Nazi pins and pictures of Hitler i the group over a piece of glass so people could step on it and I was glad or satisfied and I thought that was a really great idea. The whole architecture in the Museum is really cool there was one part where you go down a ramp and you are in a ghetto. The whole Museum was built around a freight car that was used to transport people to Auschwitz , we got to go in and see it was small but they said 100 people were in each car .I really liked going to the museum because I love to learn about the Holocaust.

Sunday, March 13, 2016
Someone named Eva Diary post
March 13, 2016
Dear DiaryI have been at this place for two weeks, Two weeks ago the Nazi's took me and my sister and many other girls and brought us here. We were taken from our homes and then put on a bus. What I noticed about the bus was all the girls on it had blond hair and blue eyes like me. Why would they separate all the blond hair and blue eyed girls. I'm happy that my sister and I are together but where are my friends they are not on the bus. Since we have been at this place we have been giving new German names y name is Elsa and my sister's name is Heidi. We have to go to school every day but we are only taught in German. We are taught to be perfect Germans, but my sister is falling behind she doesn't understand German she very little I don't know what to do.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Goodnight Maman
Recently I read a book called goodnight Maman, (please do not read this blog if you are or will be going to be reading this book because it has spoilers) it is a WWII story about a french Jewish girl named Karin who has to leave her mother and go to to america with her brother Marc. Karin must escape the Nazi's but her mother cant go because she is too sick.Marc and Karin go on a boat that will take them to america. During their trip Marc leans their mother died but he loves Karin to much to tell her. Marc keeps it a secret through out the whole book until Karin figures it out. Karin was mad at Marc but understood why he kept it a secret he was trying to shield her form being hurt which is Marc is my favorite character.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Cheer leading
At our school when basketball season starts so does cheer leading. Our cheer leading coach is really nice and she was a cheerleader in highs school. Practices are really fun we have them every day after school. First we stretch then we work on sidelines the we run half-time an finally we stunt. For half time we do two groups of knee stunts and I am a flyer. At the end of practice we go to the mats and we do chin stunts which is bringing somebody's feet up to your chin and the we cradle which is letting that person fall into your arms. The only person that is brave enough to do the stunt is my best friend Isabel, Isabel is a amazing dancer and she a great cheerleader.I really like cheer practice by my favorite part is games I love cheering at games when we win the whole squad runs into the hallway and we start scream a high five an then our coach lectures us about screaming.
I really enjoy cheer leading and I m excited to cheer at the tournament.
I really enjoy cheer leading and I m excited to cheer at the tournament.
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